Employers in 2019 spent just £800m of their combined £3bn levy pot – leaving over £2bn of potential apprenticeship funding unused. We can help you find and connect with other businesses and facilitate the transfer excess levy with ease to provide new training opportunities, using our free Apprenticeship Levy Transfer Service.
Employers who pay the apprenticeship levy and have unused funds at the end of the tax year, can find other employers to transfer excess funding of up to 25% and help provide additional apprenticeship training opportunities. Organisations wanting to transfer funds can consider a range of other business to provide funding to. Examples may include:
- an employer in their supply chain
- another healthcare service provider
- an employer in another industry
- a need identified through work with regional partners.
Apprenticeship Levy Transfer Service
Whether you’re a small business looking for funding support, or a large organisation considering transferring your excess levy, at Employing An Apprentice we want to make it as simple as possible for you to find connections, and help facilitate the transfer of funds with ease.
We provide a free matching service to help facilitate the transfer of your excess apprenticeship levy funds and support other employers to provide additional training opportunities. By outlining your criteria, we can help you find and link with the right employer for you.
How it Works
Submit your details and outline your criteria for receiving or sending employers
Other employers can view your criteria and apply for funding via our Apprenticeship Levy Opportunities Board
You will receive applications and connect with your chosen employer to agree funding
The transfer of funds is confirmed via the Apprenticeship Service website
Apprentice Levy Transfer Service
We provide a free matching service to help facilitate the transfer of your excess apprenticeship levy funds with ease and support other employers to provide additional training opportunities.
Need Support? We offer three support packages for those employers that require our expertise with transferring their excess Apprenticeship Levy. Or contact us to discuss further by phone 03458724501 or email info@employinganapprentice.com.