On-demand services for small and larger employers
Job Vacancy Credits
Advertise your apprenticeship opportunity with us with our job credit packs
Company Profiles
Showcase your company’s support of Apprenticeships by having a profile on Employing an Apprentice!
Featured News Article
Promote an event, campaign or service related to apprenticeships
Levy Transfer Support Package
Matching service to facilitate the transfer of your excess apprenticeship levy funds
Social Media Post
Social media promotion on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
E-Shot Promotion
E-shot promotion to our community of students and apprenticeship job seekers
Job Advert Inclusivity Screening
Designed to test your job advert against our Inclusive Language Check-List
Our Packages
View package options for all services for businesses.
Any questions?
Get in touch!
Call 03458724501 or email info@employinganapprentice.com. Our team are awaiting your enquiry.