Matching service to facilitate the transfer of your excess apprenticeship levy funds
Apprenticeship Levy is a fund that employers with a pay bill of over £3million pay into. That money, along with a contribution from the government, can then be used to hire apprentices to your business. Spending your Levy is all done through the Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS) website, where you can choose training providers and finalise apprenticeship roles.
However, many large businesses unnecessarily let their unused Levy go to waste. If you don’t think you will use all of your Levy fund, you have the option to transfer it to a smaller business to help them take on some apprentices. This way, the money is being used to help apprentices, and you are, in turn, supporting another business.
Whether you’re a small business looking for funding support, or a large organisation considering transferring your excess Levy, at Employing an Apprentice, we want to make it as simple as possible for you to find connections, and help facilitate the transfer of funds with ease.
We provide a free matching service to facilitate the transfer of your excess apprenticeship levy funds and support other employers to provide additional training opportunities. By outlining your criteria, we can help you find and link with the right employer for you.
You have the option to specify some criteria for the business who will receive your excess Levy, for example, you may want the money to stay in your local area or your industry.
We offer three different Levy Transfer support packages to support the needs of your business.